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Waterloo, Ontario

My Family’s Restaurant in Uptown Waterloo 

My grandfather and his brother opened it in 1945. And they built a very, very fine restaurant. – Angelo Graham

Waterloo, Ontario

How the Tour De Waterloo Came About 

My dad puts it on with one of his really good friends, Blake Ellis. And they did it together. – Michaela Steven

Waterloo, Ontario

Oktoberfest is The Big Parade 

Happens every year and has been a big deal throughout our childhoods, our children’s childhoods, and now with grandchildren. – Angela Bernhardt and Sheryl Henkel-Gerber recall their fondest memories of the Oktoberfest Parade, which runs through Kitchener and Waterloo.

Waterloo, Quebec

Zamboni Driving 

And I recall after school, me and all my friends would go down to our local rink. And kind of hang out ’till our parents were done work, which was usually around five o’clock. So we’d spend a couple hours at the rink just hanging out. – Paul Michaud Nolan
