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Melville, Saskatchewan

Taking Over Maple Leaf Billiards 

I remember my mum wondering what are we gonna do and I said don’t worry, I’ll look after it. And I never left. – Matty Stelmak, Melville, SK

Melville, Saskatchewan

Don’t Forget Matty’s Pool Hall 

Being in a small town, there’s not a whole lot to do for, uh, the youth. So I, I’d never like to see that go away or be forgotten in Melville. – Bob Dales

Melville, Saskatchewan

Perks Of Being The Pool Hall Owner’s Son 

I was born in this building in 1962… if you could believe it, there was a partition going down the middle, and we lived in this part with my three brothers. – Matty Stelmak, Melville, SK
