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Kitchener, Ontario

Christmas Shopping Downtown Kitchener 

I remember being bundled up in my winter coat and my boots and traipsing from store to store with my mother. – Beth Gibney

Kitchener, Ontario

Buying Dish Sets with Our Change 

We would go to some of the stores there and take the change that we had collected during the week. – Kathy and Doug Allen recall their weekly trip to the store when they were engaged.

Kitchener, Ontario

Meeting in Victoria Park 

We met there in a cold winter day. I took a walk about the park. It was a little cold ‘cuz I didn’t have a jacket. But we got to talking. – Brian Small

Kitchener, Ontario

Going Downtown with my Friend, Emma 

And so I was like, ‘Okay, like we’ll just stay at Emma’s house, like, I’m just gonna have dinner there.’ And then we went anyways. – Olivia Richmond
