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- Neyle Soper Hardware Store
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- Serial Movies in St. John's
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- Shopping in St. John's
- Sports
- St. John's
- St. John's Auction
- St. John's Birth Mother
- St. John's Carvings
- St. John's Driver's License
- St. John's Harbour
- St. John's Liquor Store
- St. John's Photography
- St. John's Regatta
- St. John's Soccer
- Streetcar
- Syt. John's Christmas Raffle
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- Traveling in St. John's
- Water Street
- Waterfront New Years
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Neyle Soper Hardware Store
“The Neyle Soper Hardware Store. You’d go in and everything was wrapped in brown paper and tied with a string and passed out to you.” – Sean Tiller
Clothes Shopping at Bowrings
“…she’d go and buy me more clothes. After I said I don’t like these clothes.” – Jimmy Hodder
Reuniting with Birth Mom
“I first came to Newfoundland in 2010. It was my first time here and I loved it. I thought it was amazing and magical.” – Michelle Weghsteen
Irish Prime Minister’s Visit
“Our culture here is, basically, the first culture in Canada. A lot of Irish heritage.” – Fred Palmer
New Year’s Eve on the Waterfront
“I remember coming to one of the early New Year’s Eve celebrations down on the waterfront. And I remember coming onto the waterfront with one of the early gatherings of people.” – Susan Shiner