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Delivery Service Business with My Twin, Earl
Olds, Alberta

Delivery Service Business with My Twin, Earl 

“We had our own truck and we delivered groceries… And we had a big truck box that handled orange crates.” – Myrl Goddard

Craig’s Store Goes Way Back in the Family
Olds, Alberta

Craig’s Store Goes Way Back in the Family 

“The store was founded in 1898 by my great uncle… From there, it evolved to my dad and his brother.” – Norm Craig

An Unlikely Hang Out Spot at The Canada Railway Station
Olds, Alberta

An Unlikely Hang Out Spot at The Canada Railway Station 

“Sometimes it was the only place that was open that had the heat. We could sit and tell stories and be goofy and play around on the platform or go inside.” – Norm McInnis

Getting a Free Ice Cream Cone From Mr. Wong
Olds, Alberta

Getting a Free Ice Cream Cone From Mr. Wong 

“You got ice cream in those days in a steel cup with a paper lining in it. I think I got my first free ice cream cone from Mr. Wong when I was just a little guy.” – Reid Thompson

Buying Becker’s Drugs on Main Street
Olds, Alberta

Buying Becker’s Drugs on Main Street 

“I was on a hunt for a drugstore… And we made a trip to Olds, and came across a store called Becker’s Drugs, on main street.” – Joe Gustafson
