All The Shops Knew Each Other In Charlottetown
“You miss all the little stores where you could go in and get good little deals. And you knew everybody personally ’cause you worked right across the street.” – Jeanette Feehan, Charlottetown, PEI
Holman’s Was The Place To Go In Charlottetown
“The biggest highlight there I think was coming at Christmas time ’cause Santa Claus was always there.” – Jeanette Feehan, Charlottetown, PEI
Oyez, Oyez, Oyez: Charlottetown’s Town Crier
“I wander around Charlottetown all over making announcements for people.” – William McFadden
University Avenue Curiosities
“My first memory of University Avenue, the street we’re on now, which would be considered probably like the big, main street in Charlottetown, was just being a kid and wandering up here. ‘Cuz it was always that street that you just wondered what happened up here.” – Pat Deighan
Exotic Ferry Ride
“I’m in PEI on main street, first memory of main street, and I found the ferry ride exotic. I found it exotic somehow.” – Campbell Webster